2016 Freightliner M2 Refrigerated Box Truck
2016 Freightliner M2 Box Truck with 281,600 miles, offering exceptional reliability and performance for your heavy-duty hauling needs. This well-maintained refrigerated box truck is powered by a robust diesel engine known for its durability and efficiency, making it a solid choice for both local and long-distance deliveries. The reefer unit is a Thermoking 1080S with 8011 hours on it. Recently serviced by Thermo King. With a spacious and secure cargo area, this truck is ideal for transporting a wide variety of goods, whether you're running a logistics business or need a versatile vehicle for commercial purposes. The Freightliner M2 is renowned for its maneuverability and ease of handling, even with large loads, and this model is no exception. With plenty of life left, this truck is ready to get the job done efficiently. If you're looking for a dependable workhorse, this Freightliner M2 Box Truck is an excellent option! Good tires and brakes.
Located in Brunswick, GA, 31523
For more information, please call 833-265-6113 and mention ID 072063
Thank you for your interest in this unit that The Registry LLC is marketing for a private seller.
Contact us at 1-833-265-6113
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