Big Ford Truck? Big Ford Truck Camper! Just Go Far Away! 2016 Livin Lite CampliteTC 9.2
How happy will you be when you can just go away? When you drive a big Ford truck and have a big Ford Truck camper you will love it when you are told to go away! What could be better than hitting the open road in that big ole Ford Truck that you love and just driving wherever you want whenever you want without having to worry about finding a hotel or campground? Thanks to being fully self contained with holding tanks for fresh/waste water, 12 volt power supply and two way power appliances you are free to head way out into the back of beyond in your favorite Ford Truck and still have the comforts of home right there with you!!
This truly is a complete micro home on the road that fits right in the back of your big ole Ford truck and with sleeping for up to three you can take a guest or two along for all of the fun too! No matter how hot the temps are you will rest in cool comfort thanks to having a super cold A/C unit that can be powered with a portable 2000 kW generator! When you have to “go” you do not have to head out into the bushes or down the road to the closest facilities as you have a full bath right in the back of your truck! Heck you can even take a shower when you want too!
Dont let this be another one of those missed opportunities that you look back on and say if only I had! You deserve to have some quality time in the middle of nowhere with your beloved Ford truck! Adventure and fun have called you out to play! Do not wait until it is to late! Call The RV Guys today! at 866-267-5133, and lets make a DEAL!